Welcome to our illustrator's competition!
We are looking at expanding our pool of illustrators and for the next 6 months (starting July 2020) you can get on our radar by entering our competition. Each month, we will pick one winner!
How to participate?
Please note: the competition is open to professional illustrators only.
Please illustrate our signature catchphrase …
Magic fairies, hungry bears, fire-breathing dragons, and warrior princesses inside.
A$200 per drawing.
Entry requirements
Landscape format
51.5cm x 26cm
This is the format of our standard book spread.
The illustration must be child friendly.
Sorry, no abstract painting.
How to submit
Share your submission or part of it on Instagram and tag us @redpaperkite and #redpaperkite - this is very important so we can find you!
Deadlines: 9 am GMT
Friday 29th August
Monday 28th September
Wednesday 28th October
Friday 27th November
Tuesday 22nd December
Once a month, we will pick our favorite illustration.
The winner will be announced via our newsletter on the last day of each month.
If you win, you will be required to send the final illustration (jpg) and .psd file via Wetransfer to:
Your payment will be processed within two weeks via international transfer.
Terms & conditions
By entering the competition, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
The illustration will be used on Red Paper Kite’s website, social media, and for any marketing and promotional purposes of our brand.
The illustrator retains the copyrights to the work.
The illustration may be featured on our IGTV.
One drawing per illustrator per month.
Good luck!
We look forward to seeing your fabulous work.